Culture One: Family
"Heaven's government is family. The government of heaven is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit: three in one. So perfect in their loyalty to each other, so perfect in their honour for each other, so perfect in their understanding of the purpose of each other, so secure in the identity of each one, that you can glance at the three and think you only saw one. They are three in one, and one in three. They are relationship defined in absolute perfection." Paul Manwaring
The trinity is a family, and their expression of family is meant to be to us a picture of how to live in relationship on earth. We look to the Trinity to better understand our relationship with God, and it is through our relationship with God that we better understand our relationship with those around us."
Church as Family: Steve Prince (Sunday 24th June 2012)
Generous Church Family: Steve Prince (Sunday 1st July 2012)
Knowing God's Father-Heart: Steve Prince (Sunday 22nd July 2012 & Sunday 12th August)
Knowing the Real God: Mart Westacott (Sunday 5th August 2012)
Individually Unique, Family Together: Steve Prince (Sunday 2nd September 2012)
Positioned as Sons & Daughters: Steve Prince (Sunday 7th October 2012)
Relationships in the Church: Steve Prince (Sunday 4th November 2012)
Living in the Father's House: Mart Westacott (Sunday 9th December 2012)
Review of the Church as Family & introduction to The Goodness of God: Brookside Leadership Team (Sunday 6th January 2013