WHAT is important to us.
God - the Father, Son & Holy Spirit: Being filled with the Holy Spirit continuously means that we are refreshed in being the people God has called us to be. We love our times together to be led by the Holy Spirit and we try to make this a priority by being flexible. We also encourage the use of the gifts of the Spirit for the encouragement and strengthening of the whole church family. We love experiencing the presence of God in our times together.
Worship: Our appreciation and thankfulness to God mean we place a high priority on worship and praise. Enthusiastic and creative praise and worship are part of our heritage. Whilst including some traditional hymns, much of our repertoire of songs tends to be more modern.
Family & Relationships As we believe relationships are absolutely foundational, the atmosphere tends to be relaxed, relatively informal, and we often laugh together. Every Sunday there is time to share refreshments and chat informally.
Children & Young People Brookside originally started as an outreach to children and we continue to invest into our children and young people. We have a range of groups and activities for children and teenagers - both on Sundays and throughout the week.
Teaching & Learning We are developing a more interactive teaching culture which places a greater emphasis on equipping and encouraging people to become learners. We love to hear stories of the way people are experiencing and applying God's Word in their lives.
The Kingdom of God Jesus said we should make the Kingdom one of our top priorities. So, you will hear a lot about this. We believe a key role of the church is to demonstrate the Kingdom in all walks of life, and what better place to practice this than when the church gathers together.
Mission We actively encourage people to tell stories about how God's kingdom is growing and expanding through their daily lives. This helps to inspire us all as we seek to present Jesus as the good news we know He is. There is a wealth of missional activity going on as we seek to serve our local community.