Theme 7- Revelation and the Word of God
The bible remains God's living word. It's His salvation story and its pages provide life and sustenance for us. As we invite the Holy Spirit to help us, He always breathes fresh life and revelation - even when we have read passages again and again. We can cultivate a hunger for God's Word which helps us to build our lives on strong foundations and to overflow with life from it. There are important ways to interpret the bible and as we do, we find God speaking directly in to our lives.
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:2
For the Word of God is alive an active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates event to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
God's Word has been un-scrolled in both the Scriptures and in His incarnate Son - Jesus Christ. Jesus, in describing the importance of the eternal scriptures said, 'Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God' (Matthew 4:4). He also commended the steadfast inquiry into the Word of God: 'Search the scriptures...they...testify of Me' (John 5:39). There is no such thing as health or growth in Christian living apart from a clear priority on the place of the Bible in the life of the individual or the group. The scriptures are the conclusive standard for our faith, morals and practical living, and are the nourishment for our rising to strength in faith, holiness in living, and effectiveness in service. The Holy Spirit who comes to fill us is the same Person who has give us the Book to guide and sustain us.
Just as we owe our natural existence to the Creator's spoken word and life-giving breath, so we owe our New Birth to the power of God's Word and the Holy Spirit's activation of it's power. Jack Hayford
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:2
For the Word of God is alive an active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates event to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
God's Word has been un-scrolled in both the Scriptures and in His incarnate Son - Jesus Christ. Jesus, in describing the importance of the eternal scriptures said, 'Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God' (Matthew 4:4). He also commended the steadfast inquiry into the Word of God: 'Search the scriptures...they...testify of Me' (John 5:39). There is no such thing as health or growth in Christian living apart from a clear priority on the place of the Bible in the life of the individual or the group. The scriptures are the conclusive standard for our faith, morals and practical living, and are the nourishment for our rising to strength in faith, holiness in living, and effectiveness in service. The Holy Spirit who comes to fill us is the same Person who has give us the Book to guide and sustain us.
Just as we owe our natural existence to the Creator's spoken word and life-giving breath, so we owe our New Birth to the power of God's Word and the Holy Spirit's activation of it's power. Jack Hayford
Introduction Leadership and Teaching Team (13 March 2016)
Canon of Scripture Rob Cooke (3rd April 2016)
The Word became flesh.....and pitched His tent in our back garden! Steve Prince (10th April 2016)
Interview with David Bunney (17th April 2016) including more on his facebook request for help on What single page / passage from the bible would communicate the beauty and power of Christianity to the uninitiated.
The Greatest Story Ever Told Stuart Mitchell (24th April 2016)
Word & Spirit Steve Goss (29th May 2016)
Every Word Importance Peter Munday (3rd July 2016)
Revelation in the Word Psalm 103 8-14 Lynn Chetcuti (10th July 2016)
Financier's Story Mart Westacott (31st July 2016)
There must be more than this Indy Nottage (14th August 2016)
The Bible is Trustworthy Ben Morrison (4th September 2016)